Well it's the dog days of summer and fishing has been very predictable this time of year. With constant air temperatures in the 100's, the surface water temp's are beginning to climb into the high 80'sF. This means the fish are slow and deep most of the day. If you get out early you can run into a few bass and crappie. Using a Texas rig and throwing a worm on bottom seems to be the best bass technique right now. The more successful fishing we've seen has been by boat through means of trolling. We've had several patrons come in and tell us the sand bass have been running down at the dam in 7-12ft of water. It seems that our fisherman are catching them on shad colored deep divers. It may be hot out there but that doesn't mean fishing has stopped, until next time keep fishin friends Top lure: Arashi Shad ( storm ) 7ft
Bottom lure: Hot n Tot ( storm ) 10 - 12 ft
Well, the heat dome has hit and the temps are hot. The surface water temperature is hovering around 85F which can make fishing during daylight hours a little more difficult. After hosting the family fishing tournament on 7/1 and doing some fishing ourselves, we've notice the fish are hanging out in deep water during most of day. Early morning before 8am seems to be the most active time to fish. Saugeye and sandbass have been caught trolling with deep divers. Recently the sandbass were schooling down by the damn at 6:45am, that was a fun morning to be out! We were able to haul in sandbass with silver spoons and rattle traps, but then again when they are in a feeding frenzy they will hit just about anything. We have seen a few 5lb channel cats caught on dough bait and chicken livers late at night from our docks. One youngster reeled in a 5lb carp during the family fishing tournament using nothing but hot dog buns as his bait. The best luck for large mouth bass has been with worms on a texas rig, brown, dark green, red/black. Typically deeper around cedar brush piles is where we've seen the best bites.
Until next time, keep fishin friends Well its officially the first day of Summer! There has been an abundance of park visitors over the last couple of weeks, and many of them have been successful in their fishing endeavors. The crappie have been mostly biting on minnows and dark colored tube jigs early in the morning. Fishing down around the dam in 18ft of water seems to be the best tactic for mid day crappie. Channel cat have been very active at night on chicken liver and dough bait. The saugeye have been hit or miss, we've seen them mostly caught down deep drifting over brush piles with worms or minnows. Largemouth bass are very active just before sunrise or right after sunset. Fishing rocky outcroppings with crankbaits has proved to bring them in.
- Until next time, Keep fishing friends It was a fun filled memorial weekend at the lake and to top it off the fishing was great. The crappie were active around the 15ft depth. Minnows seemed to be the best method for catching crappie; most were caught around the docks and various brush piles on the lake. The channel catfish didnt take the weekend off as they were biting on most baits including, dough bait, chicken liver and minnows. The bigger channels were seen caught around brush piles in 18ft of water. The fighter jets of the under water environment, aka Sandbass, were active around the 6ft-10ft depth. Some very nice sandies were caught around the sand bar and south east shorelines with light colored crank-baits while trolling. A few saugeye were seen caught on shad colored crank-baits. All appeared to be well under the 18 inch mark. All in all we saw alot of great fish and even more happy campers.
Until next time, Keep fishin friends... * dont forget to swing by our bait shops to have your big catch weighed and measured. Minnows are back so stop in and get them today. We also have frozen shad, chicken liver, and night crawlers.
With the influx of warm weather people are getting excited for a new fishing season at Lake McMurtry. Current water temperature at the East Dock is 53 degrees fahrenheit and reports of 55+ degrees in some of the shallower coves is starting to produce some action. Bass have been reported moving into shallower water and action is slowly picking up. Spinnerbaits, rooster tails, panther martins, and some various jigs and worms have all been good for Bass. We are still getting reports of Crappie being caught off the docks using small Crappie jigs or minnows. Several catfish have been caught in the last couple of weeks from near the docks and various locations. No reports of Saugeye. Stay tuned for a more detailed report in the next couple of weeks. Get ready, fishing is about to really heat up!!!!!! |
Weekly ODWC reportFISHIDYFishing Photos![]() See our collection of fish caught at Lake McMurtry!
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July 2017